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January 23, 2015

Five for Friday!

 It's that time again! TGIF! 

It has been an extra long week for our school- which is funny considering it was only 4 days! We are in a "transition period" as our old principal/director has left and they are looking for a new one. Meanwhile, it's all changes and crazy over here! We have resource people helping out covering duties that aren't their typical ones, teachers spending lunches helping out where they can, and everyone really not knowing what is going on..... but

In the classroom we are still ticking away! We have been working on blends this week. It sounded super easy and I thought "my kids are totally going to rock this".... boy was I wrong. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

Every Friday for writing, I give my kids the option to sit around the room to write. THEY EAT THIS UP!!!!


Speaking of writing... I stumbled across this book in a box of donated books and was very sad. But then I quickly thought of all the awesome things I could do with this as a mentor text with my kids! Has anyone read this book? 

Last, while on the topic.... it's been almost 6 months now since this wonderful man in my life passed away. He's been on my mind a lot lately. 

And just to make you laugh.....

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