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May 12, 2015

Pushing Towards Success

Well given all the craziness over here, I figured it was about time I give a little peek into our room as we keep engaged and pushing towards 3rd grade.
My kiddos love Life in Fifth Grade's differentiated reading bookmarks. They pick the level they feel comfortable with, and answer the questions to demonstrate their understanding. These work great with evidence based scales!
We have been finishing up our last unit of the year, Fractions! I love teaching primary fractions.

We used task cards in a different way last week. We had the cards at desks, and moved around the room to answer them. While the awesome Disney music was playing, children worked on solving the problem in front of them... once the music stopped, they had to quickly move to the next card before the music began again. They loved it!

The kids of course did tons of sorts and group activities to help them understand how to partition shapes to show fractions, and that in order for it to be a fraction it must show EQUAL parts. They rocked this for sure!
Last week we also disucssed adverbs. After a few days of practice, we had to demonstrate our understanding. The kids completed a Kagan Jot Thought. For those of you who don't know what that is, you place a large piece of paper or stack or smaller papers in the middle of the table. In a pre-determined amount of time (usually just 1-3 minutes) the students list off as many examples of a topic they can think of. In this case, they listed off examples of adverbs. It was the first time this new group has done this activtity and they did great!
After that, the students worked in small groups to create anchor charts to explain adverbs to 1st graders. HOW STINKING CUTE!!!

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